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Aug 29, 2022

Jenn Foster and Melanie Johnson co-owners of Elite Online Publishing, interview Kristin Abello about writing her story "Sunrise: Life After Traumatic Brain Injury." 

Wife, Mother, Daughter, Sister and Friend. These are the words best used to describe the force that is Kristin Abello. She and her husband Raul Abello are...

Aug 15, 2022

Jenn Foster and Melanie Johnson co-owners of Elite Online Publishing, interview Jeffrey Van Dyk about how to advance in your industry, your business, and your career by honing in on who you want to serve.

Jeffrey Van Dyk is an international speaker, strategist and guide who works with highly successful leaders and...

Aug 8, 2022

Melanie Johnson co-owner of Elite Online Publishing, interviews Amy Lawrence about her new book "The Power of Food Prep" and how her method has changed her eating habits for life. 

Amy Lawrence is the CEO of Gourmet Done Skinny, where she empowers foodies and family cooks to rise above mediocre and become masterful in...

Aug 1, 2022

Jenn Foster and Melanie Johnson co-owners of Elite Online Publishing, interview Ken Kladouris about how mediation and goals can lead you to your future of success. 

Ken Kladouris is an esteemed wealth advisor, course creator and published author who believes you should be living your life, by design. Charting his own...